Originally Posted by hoggin
Originally Posted by lefthorn
Originally Posted by hoggin
Put the bass in last and if you stock with F1 give everything else a year minimum before you put the bass in. I don’t care what anyone else tells you, I’ve seen the bass deplete everything else in several ponds that size.

Don’t wait a year. I have seen situations where the bluegill get too big and then eat the fingerling bass and you have to stock with adults.

We recommend stocking with forage (bluegill and fathead minnows) in fall/early spring. Then follow up with bass in June. We have GREAT results stocking like this.

As far as catfish, yes they can co-exist. But I would wait and let everything else get going good and then add adult catfish. Well honestly, I wouldn’t add catfish cause I got nothing for them. They are personal preference though

I agree unless it’s F1 bass. They are feeding machines that grow fast. The ponds I mentioned they were added 6 months after everything else and they ate everything but the grass carp. That’s in ponds that had supplemental feeding daily and also adding feeder fish twice a year. In the several years that followed we never had any reason to believe anything survived other than F1 and grass carp

Did you stock with fingerling F1 or adults? Also stocking rates drastically affect the overall population. We stock higher numbers of bluegill and keep the bass lower. We have grown some bass to 2.5 lbs in one year. Of course that is very high but we regularly see them 1.5-2 lbs in a year

And the F1 bass is the bass to stock. They stay aggressive unlike the old FL strain.