Originally Posted by jwalker77
Grocery stores are pretty much slowly killing all of us. Fast food restuarants are killing us much quicker. Eat only deer meat for a year then go eat you a big cheeseburger from jacks or McDonald's and see how sick you get. The more of your diet you grow or kill yourself, the better off you are.Hbwalker, it would be very hard for the general public to do what Outback is talking about but the closer you can get to it, the better off youll be. There are ways of getting and eating better food. It does not have to cost a fortune. It will require thinking outside the box when it comes to how we aquire our food. This is a very important issue and it would seem people in general would put more thought and effort into it. Not to mention what would happen if the grocery store just isnt an option any more, that could never happen right? Consider what would happen if a nationwide trucking strike started today and went on for a month or longer. Thats just one possibility. We should just be more self dependant in our food procurement in general for many reasons.

I eat deer meat. I also cook 5 night a week and rarely east fast food. The idea of a half cow would be great, then I think well shucks where am I gona put my deer meat, or my chicken breast and thighs. That was my point from the "we aren't all fortunate enough to live out where we can butcher a cow and store it in our 10x10 walk in freezer". Id have to buy three deep freezers to have a half cow, some deer meat and everything else. I don't have room for all that in my house. But what I do have room for is the deer I killed this year, 10lbs of beef and chicken. So I think ill just stick to that option and ill live out my life to be 80 and die from all the shucks food I ate. Im not disagreeing at all that the food we eat sucks. It really isn't healthy for us, but if I lived my life in fear of dying from eating store bought chicken @ 75 yrs old Id be dead by now from stress.