Originally Posted by BamaPlowboy
Originally Posted by jb20
Originally Posted by AU7MM08
Originally Posted by 257wbymag
We can only hope. The damn solar farms are eating us up over that way. It’s always something seems like

I don't understand why they're not putting those large solar farms on top of all the huge plants.
If they want to install solar, ok whatever but no sense taking farm land if it can be at least reduced or avoided.

The land owner is making money

Tax payer subsidized money. The leftist wackos want to crow about the environment but don’t seem to care about environmental impact on the thousands of acres cleared of vegetation to support these solar panels and the loss wildlife of habitat that comes with it, once these panels are put in the ground is ruined for anything else. It makes more sense to give the credits to home owners and small businesses....And I hate Hsv and Madison too and I’m starting to hate Athens!! Wish we could pick up everything we own and transplant it to Elkmont or Lawrence, Lauderdale!

You might wanta move farther than that if you plan on living very much longer. Growth is going to continue in extreme NA , eventually to some of those areas you mentioned I'll bet.

"Why do you ask"?

Always vote the slowest path to socialism.