Originally Posted by muzziehead
I hunted 30 days with 34 sets. Killed one buck and two doe with my bow. I keep up with hunter frequency at the club I operate and always find it interesting to review the data each year. As a club we had 433 sets during the season. Our most frequent member hunted 52 days with 70 sets, which was more than our bottom 7 members combined. We actually had two members that did not hunt a single day. As a result of keeping up with the hunts, I limited number of days that could be hunted each week to 4 days. Next year, likely going down to 3 to keep the pressure down.

Out of curiosity how many members hunted 4+ days a week? How many 4+ weeks (single member) total for the club? I would imagine folks like to take vacation and make it a 4 day weekend.