It was Avondale park at lunch time. I work near there and wanted to get out of the office even though I brought my lunch. Sat in my truck to eat because of the rain. Made my way over to a covered picnic table with my umbrella to have a smoke after eating. This scruffy homeless looking dude walks up in the rain. In one hand he is holding a cell phone. In the other, he discreetly has a knife. Standing so his body almost blocks my view of it. He said, "let me see your phone " I laughed at him and said, "man I ain't giving you my phone!" He made the knife clear and told me"give me your phone." I smiled at him amd pulled the pistol. Then I told him, "I said no." His face went blank with shock and eyes got huge. He put the knife away and stepped back away from me to the edge of the cover just out of the rain. He said, "I need a cigarette " I laughed and told him I would give him that. (I thought of the end of pulp fiction. I'm giving you this so I don't have to kill your dumb butt") though I didn't say that part to him. I reached in my pocket, pulled one out with one hand and he stretched as far as he could so I wouldn't feel threatened as he took it. He stood there like his life flashed before his eyes. Frozen like a statue. Just held the unlit smoke standing under the cover with the rain pouring down. I walked off and left him there. He never moved.

I should have called the cops for the reasons mentioned above. Honestly it didn't cross my mind. I was happy to be safe and just amazed at how stupud he was. I was having a really bad and weird day already. This just was so crazy that it didn't cross my mind.
