Originally Posted by Out back
Originally Posted by Skinny
Originally Posted by coldtrail
A city with a population of 11 million. Building a 1000 bed hospital. The numbers being reported don't make sense. I've seen video of a huge city with no one there. The claim 17,000 people are sick. Seems like a large percentage of people have this virus that have left chine. All of this doesnt make sense.

China is suppressing the media and they control the internet. Somebody snuck a cell phone video out showing bunches of full body bags and that guy got carted off to the organ farm. The real truth may be a lot worse than what is being reported.

That's entirely possible when you expose your own people to a bio weapon.

Indeed. We're not really any better though. The US government Nuked Mississippi in 1964 and again in 1966. The same government introduced syphilis to it's own citizens and left it untreated to see the progression. Along with hundreds if not thousands of other incidents that we know about and probably three or four times as many that we don't.


Whoever is happy will make others happy too. Anne Frank