There is NO solution to this problem because most Alabama hunters don't believe there's a problem. I could stop there, because that really says it all, but I just want to flesh that out a bit more...

Hunters have to WANT something more, because people really only do what they WANT to do. Fences only keep out honest folks, but after a while if the gates stay open, then even the honest folks subconsciously assume it's not important.
Something as vast as a State is impossible to police, even with physical tags there's still virtually zero chance of being stopped and inspected. I could kill a deer legally and ethically, load it in my truck untagged, and what's the likelihood of being caught with that untagged deer?....absolutely NO difference than it is now with the GC system. If I'm stopped or spotted NOW, I have to show my GC card and confirmation number. My point is until hunters WANT something different than they have, not only will nothing work, but they'll actually fight against it.

Alabama hunters for the most part simply are "if it's brown it's down, meat in the freezer" hunters. The only hunters in the State who are interested in, and in favor of, "deer management" are rack hunters like myself. I"m probably only gonna kill one or two (max of 3) deer per year, and they should all be bucks big enough to shoulder mount. Now that puts me at odds with the majority of hunters surrounding me, not because I think I'm better, not because I think everybody should hunt like I do, but just because of the general lack of concern with improving things (we don't all WANT improved buck structure).

Last edited by ikillbux; 01/30/20 11:51 AM.

We were on the edge of Eternia, when the power of Greyskull began to take hold.