Originally Posted by Clem

Originally Posted by Orion34

Bingo. Ain’t no need. They can get more reliable numbers by surveying a sample of hunters. I think that’s what they still do to estimate non-reporting rates. So what’s the reporting system accomplish? Nothing much. Just another law they can enforce.

The post-season survey was used for decades and was statistically valid, meaning the methodology and +/- outcomes were acceptable for the desired results. The survey was sent to a percentage of licensed hunters each year, after deer season. Although not mandated that they return it, I was told several times that returned surveys provided enough information for -- at the time -- the department's goals.

That survey was deemed to be - paraphrasing here - unacceptable, unreliable trash once the GameCheck system was put in place and mandated. Poor optics and PR about implementation didn't entirely help the situation. But it's what we have now.

As for what GC can accomplish, the reporting data can and should provide better info but only if hunters respond.

Originally Posted by JustHunt
Originally Posted by Fun4all
Originally Posted by JustHunt
I know of one guy who has killed 15 deer. 8 racked bucks and rest does or spikes. None of those have been reported. And he will probably kill 10-15 turkeys this spring as well. Just a normal year for him.

So have you reported the poacher? If not why not??

Well he’s been reported several times. But he’s not poaching. He just has a lot of places to hunt and that makes it hard to get caught. My guess is he never will be caught. But that deer count was in December. I’m sure it’s higher now.

Killing a deer and not reporting it is easy to do right now. Mandatory physical tags visible on any dead deer would help curb this problem.

The tags to help a little bit. I think the confirmation numbers on the tags are the real enforcer here now