Originally Posted by hallb
You know a guy that has killed 8 bucks?

If he reported them, POSSIBLY could be perfectly legal. If only 3 had antlers and the other 5 were spotted fawns....

How many people really know the reason for the recording system, not game check. The recording system came about around 2007 when Ditchkoff and a committee were charged with looking at buck limits. The idea was to get a better ratio of older bucks in the herd in the state. Ditchkoff pushed for a recording system to aid in keeping hunters honest. All sounds good to this point. Then comes a recording system where buck fawns do not count against the buck limit. Now, I'm no biologist but I know if you are trying to get older bucks, killing them at 3 months of age and not counting them ain't gonna get you there. That dead 3 month old will never reach maturity. Totally defeats the purpose of having the limit.