Originally Posted by Wiley Coyote
I only make cornbread for dressing about 3 times a year in my 2 skillets. They'd probably maintain better if I used them for lots of other stuff. We try to avoid fried food and do it in an air fryer when we do have it, so frying is pretty much out. Maybe start using them for fried fish when we have it.

You will find it much easier to fry fish using cast iron. It just maintains the temp so much better.

I do about 90% of my cooking in cast iron. I have maybe about 20 pieces from my dad and grandmother. Never thought they were worth much and last year gave some big Wagner skillets to a friend that said he collects and loves cast iron. That might not have been to smart after I found out what some of those prices are.

I have 5 dutch ovens of various sizes and tend to do most of my cooking with the smaller ones. But for bigger frying I use a large one with about 2 gallons of oil. That is getting expensive these days.