Those who don't vote because they don't like the choices are failing our system of government. You are throwing away your right to have a say in how our country will work over not only the next 4 years in the case of a presidential election.... but in many cases for decades. Think about Supreme Court nominations as an example. Our election system only cares about the votes that are counted. Candidates are members of political parties. Every candidate's vote will count in issues that will impact everyone's everyday lives. Maybe not on every issue but for t the majority of issues. Our system of government does not care about the people who think:

Originally Posted by TexasNative
Originally Posted by Ben2
Originally Posted by UncleHuck

If you don't vote for the Republican, you effectively gave a vote to the commie democrat, whether you like the Republican or not.

A vote is a 1. If I do not give my vote to anyone no one gets my 1. Simple, a non vote does not give any candidate a vote.

Ben2, you must not understand Alabama Algebra.

Not every candidate is ideal. Not every election is ideal. If you have any conservative views whatsoever.... then I don't know what you are thinking.

Our system of government DOES NOT CARE that you don't like either candidate. DOES NOT CARE. You and everyone else with you.... will reap the benefits of 1 candidate or the other regardless.

That is the BOTTOM LINE.

No government employees were harmed in the making of this mess.