Guys, I've been a guest around here for quite a while but after reading this thread I had to join the club so I could tell you about my experience with hogs and cannibilism.

My partner and I bought a trap from Barry last spring and have caught and killed 64 hogs on our 1200ac lease in Perry County.

Back in October we caught a sounder of 19 that consisted of a 250# boar, 6 mature sows, a mix of young sows and boars and 4 little pigs that still had racing stripes. One of the little ones was feeding at the gate when we dropped it and evidently tried to scoot out but got caught under it. His hind end was inside the trap. After the dust settled from shooting them all we noticed that the half of the pig that was inside the trap was completely gone. No blood, no bones, no hair, nothing. Just a little hole under where his hind end should have been.

Our camera was still running but there were so many hogs in there we couldn't determine which one ate the pig. We assume that it was the big boar. I had always heard that the boars would eat the young ones, this is as close to proof as I've seen.