Originally Posted by dave260rem!
Clem should Cora face any punishment? I know it's being talked about but...3 full seasons have passed. You "baseball is boring" people realize with sandpaper&ky jelly unathletic as I am I can make a baseball violate the laws of physics. Personally I hope AC is cleared even if I'm a Yankees fan and he manages the Saux.

I think Cora and Beltran will, yes. They're not done yet and reportedly about 8-9 teams were doing something like this.

There's an interesting story on ESPN today about how baseball's "ownership level" management - essentially, the other owners and GMs - are pissed off that the Astros' owner comes off looking like Dudley Do-Right. He knew last weekend about the MLB report and what was coming, and then orchestrated everything to make it look like he was righteous and upright in firing the GM and Manager.

But the $5M penalty isn't anything to him and the draft pick losses for two seasons won't amount to much pain. He got off with a wrist-slap. The rest of the league is pissed off.


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