Originally Posted by bill
Originally Posted by hallb
Originally Posted by Irishguy
Don't get a "smart" tv. Get a TV without any smarts at all if possible and then got to Walmart and get a Roku for $19. The technology changes way more often than you will need to upgrade your TV that any smart TV will be outdated way before the end of it's service life.

Smart TVs get software updates

Plus I can still plug a firestick or Roku in them, if needed, just like the old TVs.

My point was you don't "need" to buy a Smart TV, with devices like Roku that allow you to stream. A lot of smart TV's have proprietary systems with bloatware pre-installed, etc... And most operate differently than other smart TV's. So if you have a choice between 2 TV's and everything else is equal except the Smart TV is quite a bit more expensive, get the less expensive one and buy a Roku.

We have one Smart TV fortunately it is a Roku equipped TV, all the other TV's at the house and at the cabin have Roku attached to all of them. The good thing about this is that they all have the same interface and operating system so no matter which TV you use it works the same, same remote, etc...

Our main TV has been a very nice one, I think it's a Phillips. We've had it for about 13 years and it still has a great picture. A lot of streaming technology has changed in those 13 years.