Originally Posted by poorcountrypreacher
Originally Posted by centralala
Guess I'm missing something. Hunting over bait is not necessary and people can still hunt without it. So, a special license is required.
Hunting deer from a treestand is not necessary and people can still hunt from the ground. Should a license be required?
Hunting deer with a scoped rifle is not necessary and people can still hunt with a shotgun. Should a license be required?

And by the way, unless it has changed rrecently, no money from the sales of treestands or scopes goes to the Pitman-Robertson Fund. So, those 2 items aren't pulling their own weight and need to be gone from the deer woods.

I've kinda given up on discussions like this; we are going in this direction and it's unlikely to end. The worst example of their over-reach to me is the Reef permit. I paid for a lifetime license that included saltwater back in the 80s. And now, I can't go snapper fishing unless I purchase this additional license. This is no new privilege; it's just the basic right to fish and the state has changed the terms of the contract we made and there is nothing I can do about it.

If they can do that, they can do anything they want. And if government can do anything they want, they will.

Kinda like how State Treasurer did with the PACT promise. It was sold as "buy into this, we'll pay the tuition!" They said that on their literature! And then years later they said the money was running out, they wouldn't be able to make payments, denied even making their initial promise (which was in writing), began denying payments, got taken to court and even after losing in court said, "Eh, we can't and aren't paying."

Treasury didn't think anyone would or could do anything. Go to court? Whatever. Take us to court. You're the little people and we're the government.

Only through a class-action suit did PACT owners get a resolution.

"Hunting Politics are stupid!" - Farm Hunter

"Bible says you shouldn't put sugar in your cornbread." Dustin, 2013

"Best I can figure 97.365% of the general public is a paint chip eating, mouth breathing, certified dumbass." BCLC, 2020