Agreed, I enjoy the company and there will be great days again for which I'm oping to be around for it.

My post are more of a discussion that I feel we are pressuring birds way too much.
We've been having a discussion about how the Wood Ducks just are not around like they once were. They were very consistent year to year around these parts. Never thought about it in a way that one of the guys mentioned. He basically stated that he noticed the numbers fall off a year or 2 after the limit was raised to 3. He stated that hunters used to not specifically target woodies. They were a bonus duck if you hunted swamps and or timber. When the other ducks did;t show, hunters specifically targeted woodies. They'd take their friends and hit them agains and again. Usually roost shooting them. He hunts in MS in the Delta and swamps around Tunica and so forth.

I think it is a valid statement.

“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan