Originally Posted by RedneckNinji
Originally Posted by JUGHEAD
Originally Posted by trailertrash
Saturday morning after Christmas, on the north side of the TN River where I65 crosses it. Ducks every where! Ground and sky. The GF about freaked out.
There is a reason they are thick right there. It would blow her mind how few ducks there are at the nearest public/huntable properties to there and just how stupid the people are who are hunting those few. Just like turkey hunters who can never seem to figure out how to get their prey killed (though way more concentrated in given locales), duck hunters suffer from the similar insanity of doing the exact same things over and over and expecting different results.

Yup! those are there because they have figured out they won't get shot at right there, its refuge and illegal to hunt until you get west of 72. The public land around there doesn't hold but a fraction of the percentage of birds on the refuge even in the parts that is closed Tues-Thurs!

I was by there on Thursday last week. Looked like maybe 8K ducks, maybe. They were keying in on that new water.

Public Land Owner