Originally Posted by leroycnbucks
Originally Posted by Fattyfireplug
I generally think we should stay out of the middle east and let them kill each other. However, when it comes to Iran and N. Korea I'd like to see an uninhibited US military beat down on both. Not surgical strikes, but an absolutely devastating attack that leaves nothing untouched. They both need it. Then we need to withdraw our troops from every corner of the globe and tell them all to kiss our asses. Take all foreign aid away and get our shucks straight here for a solid decade before giving any kind of aid to any other nation for any reason. Let them do without for a while and they'll appreciate it when they miss it.

I agree.

Also agree.

We never should have invaded Iraq.
Never should have removed Sadam Hussein.
They were the check on Iran.
We removed that check.
And handed Iraq to Iran on a silver platter.
Biggest foreign policy blunder in American history imo.
All courtesy of the globalist internationalist Neocons.

And Afghanistan should have only been a 9-12 month punitve war.
We been there almost twenty fricking years now.
Wasted $2 Trillion on those pagan barbarian savages.
All a complete total waste.
All thanks to that idiotic internationalist foreign policy doctrines of the Neocons.

Trump was elected to end that globalist Neocon foreign policy bullschitt.

I would lay waste to all the Iranian nuke sites, their militia sites in Iraq and Syria, and then get the hell out and tell them to all go esad.

"The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson

" Chuck Sykes is a dictator control freak like Vladimir Putin " WmHunter