The intermittent fasting puts your body into a state called Autophagy. What it does is to help heal your body, Basically the body will start cannibalizing it's own cells to rebuild when food is stopped for long enough. In this state the body can much better get rid of free radicals and heal oxidation stress. The benefit of being in Ketosis is that you can enter this state in about 14-16 hours rather than about 24 if not in Ketosis. In this state the body will get rid of damaged cells rather than leaving them alone to keep causing problems.

When on the fast however it is important to not take in any calories at all and possibly even anything that tastes sweet.I won't have so much as a piece of gum or Tic Tack during a fast. Only black coffee,unsweetened green tea and water. I have been doing 16-8 for about 8 months but I'm working a lot more towards a 20-4 every day. I am not doing it because I have to but because at this stage I just don't get hungry for a lot longer.

If anyone wants to start doing it,just work up to it. When you get use it it yo won't have the insulin spikes that frequent eating causes and you will have good energy and not be hungry during the fast. In fact thare are lots of studies that say it really helps mental function. The body kicks into super hunter mode with heightened awareness and ability when it really needs to find food. It's a survival mechanism.

To lose weight just stop all sugar,processed foods ,bread and pasta. I have lost 160 lbs in 15 months but have been pretty stable now for a few months. I'm 6' 1" and weigh 170 now. I was wearing 48-32 jeans and now wear 29-32 jeans. I didn't start until I turned 50. I weighed over 300 lbs for more than 20 years. If I can do this ,anyone can.

Last edited by R_H_Clark; 01/07/20 07:37 AM.