Originally Posted by Howie151
Let me sum this up for those of you who are just getting wind of this thread. A Monster local celebrity buck was recently killed on forbidden nuclear plant property in Jackson County. The hunter known as Redneck enters the Monster buck in the Harbin Automotive Big Buck contest but all he has is the bucks severed head. No body, no cape, just a head and a story of how he killed it the day before and the coyotes got it. Comments on the Harbin post blow up like an Iranian General...People accusing him of poaching the deer. Several of the TVA employees posted pictures of the Monster on the nuclear plant property crying foul. Ole sister wife chimes in taking up for big brother on the FB post saying how he kills deer like that all the time. Ole Redneck, still feeling his oats about killing the mega buck decides to post a picture on FB in his Fruit of the Loom boxer briefs with his 9 toes and dirty sock compadre. He is holding the severed deer head above his own like he had just won the Winston Cup. Basically taunting the Game Warden. NOW, the Game Wardens have found the carcass and the rack has been confiscated.... WILL THE DNA BE A MATCH????


This is the making of a good book.. or at least one of those Discovery episodes of Almost Got Away With It

Strong first post, but I like it!!