Originally Posted by AC870

We have an apparent night rider in our community. There was a Facebook thread on the community page and I mentioned a truck with a loud muffler that fired a shot and hauled ass about 3 in the morning near our house. Our GW messaged me to ask what I could tell him. I appreciated the hell out of him showing an interest.

I spoke with our local GW about some issues I've been having at some of our land. He is extremely interested and on-board in doing anything he can to help. On top of the police report I had to file the other day and the pending discussion with our DA, I plan to prove a strong point.

Poachers, Trespassers, people that vandalize and people that put others in danger while being a plain ole dumbass are sumbitches.....but I can be a bigger sumbitch.

That's about all the details I'll give for now.

The fool tells me his reasons; the wise man persuades me with my own.