Originally Posted by BayedUp
Originally Posted by johndeere5036

True story. Had a friend that shot one behind the shoulder with 30/06 hollow points. We tracked the sow down to the creek and found her. She was laying there gasping for air so my brother asked for my gun to put her out of her misery.He held the gun barrel to her ear and pulls the trigger. He shot her in the head with my 30-06 hollow points and this bastard turned inside out,jumped up and ran our asses over and took off. We could hear her squealing for what had to of been a mile away. After we got our chit together on what just happened, trying to find the gun and flash lights we were finding pieces of brains hanging on tree limbs there where we shot her. When it happened we were scared to death but looking back we laugh at what happened but we are still amazed at how that thing got up and ran. We never found her either

How many had y’all drank Before y’all found her on the creek? Lol
None I was 13 -14 years old