Originally Posted by marshmud991
Originally Posted by sbo1971
Could it be, since you have those that will belittle someone for killing a small antlered deer that many times someone will refer to a buck as a cull just to settle the “professional” internet deer hunters down?

As stated numerous times, this thread is not intended to belittle anyone for shooting small buck. I don’t give 2 chits what anyone kills on their property. The point of this thread is don’t use the idea of immature deer being a “cull” as a means to justify shooting it. It you’re hunting any place that has no restrictions on deer and you kill any deer wish, I will be the first to congratulate you and toast a cold beer with you to celebrate. The point is just say you shot the deer because you wanted to shoot the deer. It’s simple as that. At our place we all agreed that we don’t want young bucks shot(kids are different) and that is the rule. We have a couple younger hunters that tried to pull the “cull” trick to try to get to shoot young bucks. We are lucky to have some history with some bucks on camera and use those pics to show them the difference a few years make.

I understand and agree, but I think that we have in a way created this dilemma. I could care less what someone else kills, shoot what makes you happy but if your hunting somewhere that has rules against it then there is no justification for killing something that you know is not allowed and the “cull” excuse can not be applied.

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