Originally Posted by joshm28
Originally Posted by mike35549

Yes. There is data and pictures out there to support it as well.

I would like to see these studies where they followed some 2 year old spikes and 2 year old 8, 9, or 10 points and proved that the spike out scored them at age 5. I am not taking one spike out of a million bucks, but several on the same piece of property. Not 1 year old spikes but 2 year spikes. Or even a study that proves the size of a bucks antlers at the age of two has no correlation to the size of his antlers at the age of 5. Not that it happens one time In a million.

When I get my computer back out I’ll see if I can locate the two articles. In the meantime what data do you have to support your theory? How many 3.5 and older spikes have you seen in either pics or person? It happens but it’s kinda rare. Most of the bucks you are calling 2 year olds are actually 1.5 and sporting their first actual rack. We have several on our place that were buttons last year at 6 month old deer and range from spikes to 4 points this year and ONE that’s a small 6. It’s pretty much impossible to sit here and tell you next year the small 6 will be a larger buck than the spikes and 4s. There’s just too many variables involved, from food to injury to illness.

Some bucks are destined to be 140” deer but it might take 5-8 years. Some of the absolute best properties I’ve ever hunted were limited to killing bucks 6+, which is extremely difficult to do. But they kill some absolute giants on that property year in and year out. The biggest problem, aside of thinking you can alter genetics, is shooting good bucks when they are 3.5. I made this same mistake last year and I have really good trigger constraint. You shoot all your good up and comers and you will never kill a book buck. On the flip side if you are not interested in that then absolutely shoot what you want. Just don’t “think” you can judge genetics on young deer. It’s just not possible.

I am talking about 2 year old spikes not 1 year olds. I never said anything about influenceing the genetics on free range deer. I don't think that is possible. I do however believe that a 2 year old spike or a 3 year 4 point 99% of the time will never be as big at 5 as the 2 year old 8,9,10 point or the 3 year old 4 point will 99% of the time never be as big as the 3 year old 110-115" 8,9,10 point. So if you are going to kill a 2 or 3 year old you would be better off in the long run to kill those spikes and 4 points. I don't believe you can use the term cull thinKing you are going to influence the genetics on your property. I do believe you could use the word cull in aspect of that 2-3 year old deer is inferior genetically to other bucks on your property that are the same age with much larger racks.

If you're gonna be stupid you better be tough.