Originally Posted by BrentM
Who believes in them? Multiple times daily on the Facebook hunting pages I see pics of yearlings and little messed up 2 year olds and the people that shoot them usually call them “culls”. They are also super defensive if anybody tells them it’s just a young deer. The way I look at it..... if you let em get to 5 years old and they still don’t have much headgear aren’t they still a trophy since it’s really difficult to kill 5 year olds year in and year out?
I just don’t see where there can be any such thing as a cull if he’s not in a fence. I’m not saying I think you should shoulder mount a 5 year old 4 point but that doesn’t make him any easier to kill than a 5 year old 160”er

Agree 100%

The biggest reason it's so hard to kill 5 YO bucks in most parts of Alabama is because they are shot as 2 YO deer.

Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales

Molon Labe