This Saturday I shot a doe and tried to check it through the app, but I had low cell reception (one bar going in and out) and the app wouldn't show confirmation. When I clicked to view harvests the deer didn't show up, so I tried three or four more times.

A conservation officer came by while we were skinning my deer and checked records. Didn't catch his name. I told him I had tried to check it multiple times already and he said to try again with him there, because he said if I had done it with no reception it would still show up but I that I would get a confirmation number later when I got reception. As luck would have it I had no reception at all at camp so everything worked great with him standing there...the app said I was offline and it would update the record when I got online.

The officer was professional enough about it but I could tell he didn't believe me and he told me he could give me a ticket for that which of course made me feel pretty sick to my stomach and powerless to prove myself. Thankfully he didn't give me a ticket. I get it...they're lied to all day, but it sucks to know you're telling the truth and have someone not believe you.

Saturday evening I got one harvest confirmation email and 4 Duplicate Harvest Report emails.

I just wanted to let y'all know that it's possible for someone to check their deer on the app with a tiny bit of reception and still not have that record show up when the CO shows up.

What I'll do next time I have really low reception: Put my phone in airplane mode, open the app, check my deer, take it out of airplane mode. I'll also just go ahead and print a record to keep with my license just in case.

Last edited by Sakkyoku; 12/23/19 06:37 AM.