I got a call yesterday evening froma gentleman who said his grandson had shot his 1st racked buck. They knew the deer was likely gut shot and wanted to wait until this morning which I agreed. I got there and decided to turn Ada loose given that the track was overnight I didn't want to use the pup just yet. Ada immediately finds their blood and she takes us to a creek. The blood was right up to the creek so I assumed he crossed I make my way to cross the creek which I thought was ankle deep it turned out to be waist deep, so now I'm cold and wet. Well I get across and could not find any sign of where he exited the creek. While walking around I said a quick little prayer to help find this young mans buck. Unbeknownst to me the little boy was doing the same thing. We make our way back across the creek to see if he changed course. Ada follows a trail and comes across a beaver slide. There was so much castor/musk in the air we could smell it. Ada must have took in anbang good whiff cause she started to sneeze and snort, well they spot a few signs of blood, the deer started to parallel the creek instead of crossing it. I get Ada situated again and she takes off. I look down at the collar and shes about 170 yards away and comes back to me. I say find him and she goes back to same location. We follow the trail and the collar says she is on point I step up on a stump and see her licking the buck. I say to the young man she found him. He takes off running through the creek bottom and gets his hands on his 1st racked buck. While taking pics the little boy told us I said a prayer that Ada would find more blood and find my deer. I laughed and said I did the same thing little buddy.. he said prayer works.

All in all deer was gut shot and went about 1200 yards with sparse blood I think because of ballistic tip bullet. But he got his buck and was super excited.

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It isn't necessary to see a good tackle...you can hear it.

Knute Rockne