Made a not so good (yes I can admit it) shot on a doe the other day. 150 yards broadside. Hit her in the top of the back with a .270. She dragged herself off the field and I waited about 15 minutes until dark. I figured she would be dead right off the field but she wasn’t. She was laid up about 15 yards in, head up looking at me. Back legs paralyzed. I was gonna shoot her again with the rifle but had my head lamp on and when I looked in the scope couldn’t see her. Remembered I had my 9mm in my backpack. Pumped two shots right behind her shoulder where heart should be. Still alive and alert. Ended up shooting her in the head at point blank range while she was looking at me. I absolutely hate to see a animal suffer. Dug the two 9mm slugs out of her chest and was not impressed with the expansion. They were 147gr hollow point Fiocchi’s. I conceal carry that 9 everywhere because it’s easy to carry concealed. Just got me wondering how effective it would be stopping a human. Might have to switch to my .45.