Originally Posted by handihunter
I will admit the club I’m in now isn’t the best in the world. But people see and kill deer there. I hunted both morning and evening Saturday and Monday, and just the evening yesterday. Deer were seen and killed Saturday and Monday. There was only one other guy hunting yesterday and he saw 4. I don’t get to hunt a lot of days due to work but the last deer I saw was November 23 2017. It was a spike that I killed. Only killed 2 deer since January 2009.
I use to hunt in a nice club years ago where everybody saw deer on most ever sit but me. I think I am cursed. LOL!!! I try to do everything right as far as scent control and playing the wind. This is my 25th year of hunting and still haven’t killed a racked buck. Don’t know, really think about hanging it up. I have lost so much interest in the last few years. I still love hunting but just gets old going and going and never seeing anything.
damn hoss where you hunting