Originally Posted by AC870
I make a lot of jerky. My son likes it. I do too.
I’ve got to make some of those jalapeño poppers. You use whole pickled jalapeños halved, right? I’ve got a back strap in the freezer. Might make them for the in-laws Christmas gathering.

I call them “roll-ups” when I make them.

Cut the bacon in 1/3’s. Take a bite sized piece of cubed steak, (sometimes I use cut pieces of tenderloin but I prefer cubed meat) pickled jalapeño pepper, and a little piece of cream cheese. Roll all that together and stab with a toothpick or two. Then drop them in a bowl of zesty Italian dressing for 24 hours. Cook on the grill at 400ish until the bacon is done but not burned. Let rest for 3-5 minutes and enjoy.

Still isn't as good as a steak........