Originally Posted by cm1975
So Whild Bill and I were pontificating last evening over a nice Old fashion pour, and came to the conclusion that while Hunting is great time spent in the outdoors, the spoils of harvesting a deer are just sort off a letdown (Talking whitetail specifically obviously not Elk) I mean, I'm okay with a fried Cube steak or Chili, but surely we all can agree that any ground deer made in the form of a burger or the breakfast sausage just can't compete with what they sell at the local Piggly Wiggly. It's nice to find things we can all agree on, right fellas??

Everyone at my house enjoys deer just as good as a good beef filet but we cook it all sorts of ways.hard to beat a plain marinated and lightly grilled deer tenderloin but we like all meat and taters and we ain't picky.