Originally Posted by Big Game Hunter
Every-time I take my deer to have processed I hand write on the ticket:
"Cube the best and grind the rest"

Sometimes I will have my back straps cut into jerky slices to make jerky out of it.

We eat lots of burger at our house (tacos, spaghetti, chili, soups, lasagna, etc.) and we never buy beef burger unless we are having burgers.

Those of you that say deer backstrap is better than steak should go kill yourself. You have clearly never had a good steak if you truly believe that.

Daggum! Tell us how you really feel!

Originally Posted by Johntravis89
There is 2 different high fence. 1 small and one big! Mine was free range in the big pen and was not a breeder buck. Why does it have to be twisted around??