Hogs WILL eat hogs! I have seen it in Germany, and their hunting training teaches that hogs are carnivorous/cannibalistic (true Russian strains/not feral like here).

AND - my Grandfather won many awards raising hogs, and my cousin followed in his footsteps and was very successful as well. One of the things I VIVIDLY remember about my GF during birthing time: He would "live" in the hog house as the sows birthed. As a sow dropped piglets coming up in number to equal the number of teats to suckle, he would monitor that sow VERY closely! Once she got to one piglet less than the # of available teats, the next piglet birthed, he would lickety-split snatch it up by the hind leg and immediately put it on the teat of another birthing sow with lower number of piglets than available teats. I remember how quickly he would do this and asking him about it. His response was that a sow would eat the piglets down to one less than teats than she had to feed them. And he didn't want to loose any piglets - that was $$$!