I just can't fix it. I've been a blessed man all of my life and can do things most men can't. I run my own business and when companies can't fix it they call me because I can. I have two kids that are grown now, my daughter always needed help with something where my Son is the can do kid. We had our first Granddaughter 8 months ago and I have been so impressed with how my Daughter has been doing being a first time Mom. It's like it was her calling. Sweet Evelyn has been such a blessing tp us, of course we had to redo our house to accommodate every thing a baby needs. So, Saturday they are here and she starts coughing, we immediately make a call to the Pediatrician that my kids were raised with and he calls it RSV. But that doesn't even concern him or us now. He recommended to have an xray of her head due to the shape. They got the xray and it turns out she has craniostenosis, They have an appointment at Childrens Hospital to get more evaluation for a path forward.

Please pray with me for clarity and expertise for the Doctors the wisdom to fix this, Give us some peace of mind as I just can't bear seeing my family go through this. I just need some help praying for sweet Evelyn to be well. thanks in advance.

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WM Hunter "Trump literally sacrificed himself, his family and all of his businesses for this country.
He literally is a true American hero. And True American Patriot - warts and all."