Originally Posted by Nightwatchman
Originally Posted by Out back
Originally Posted by Nightwatchman

I cant believe I'm actually being pegged as the weird one because I won't give out hugs to kids. How on Earth did I become the odd man out by advocating NOT touching children? Makes no sense to me.

The answer is very simple. The majority of men (99.9% of us) can hug children without having lude thoughts.
Evidently you cannot. That makes you the weird one.

First of all, you spelled "lewd" wrong, dumbass. Secondly, I wont even dignify your statement with a response. It only takes one instance for a child who has been told to show affection to everyone to give out a hug to the type of evil person that does intend to harm them. Y'all keep letting your kids touch all over people. It only takes one wrong move and some sick twisted individual can get to them.

Pretty simple don't hug strangers...if I had an uncle that thought of lewd acts when he hugged my kids he wouldn't have arms to hug...pretty simple

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Ben Franklin