Originally Posted by Fishduck
Back in the buck a day years, I hunted public land a lot. Horns and a bow would result in a released arrow. Sitting in the tree, a spike came eating swamp oak acorns. He caught movement as I drew the bow and turned to face me looking up. I thought I could shoot him in the brisket and penetrate the heart. As I released the arrow, he ducked his head. Hit him right between the eyes. Made a huge thud as if you hit a dead tree with a sledgehammer. Dropped in his tracks. Had to unscrew the broadhead cause the arrow kept catching on stuff.

Many years ago I took the same shot from about 8 ft up a huge oak tree that was on a fence line. A herd of deer came to jump the old fence and the lead doe spotted me of course. My arrow went in by her right nostril and the broad head exited behind the right ear. We tacked her further than I have any other deer and she was giving very little blood but she was either dragging a leg or rubbing the arrow very often through the huge pine thicket..