Originally Posted by Semo
Originally Posted by Cactus_buck
Doesn’t matter what they’re there for. Wrong is wrong. If you’re on someone else’s property and it’s not yours and you don’t have permission it’s trespassing. Case closed. Then it goes up from there. A trespasser is a step down from a thief. Not all trespassers are thief’s but all thief’s are trespassers. So in my mind if your trespassing you’re up to no good.

I could be wrong, but my guess is you don't have a ton of experience with this. I've dealt with lands that have had absentee landowners for sometimes 50 years. Word gets around and sometimes it takes a few years to convince all the parties that it isn't a free for all. I've had to make some compromises with a few trespassers cause I knew it was the only way to control the flow of more (like granting hunting rights on a small piece). Running in and blowing things up often time will cause more problems in the long run. Figuring out why people are on the place and if you can really keep them off (without the national guard) is a good first step.

I stand by my original statement. I WILL NOT compromise for something that is legally mine and I paid for. I don’t care who they are. If it’s not theirs they have NO RIGHT to be there unless granted permission by the owner. I’m not blowing anything up. I’m protecting what’s mine. There is no grey here. It’s pretty black and white.

Last edited by Cactus_buck; 11/22/19 01:10 PM.