Originally Posted by jallencrockett
Originally Posted by Phil_Army
NEWSFLASH: working with people is hard. Doesn't matter whether they're kids, teenagers, adults, patients, clients, Soldiers, factory workers, construction workers, etc. And now that we all have cell phones on us 24/7 there's a pressure to always be available. Teachers aren't the only ones who have to deal with that. Cry me a friggin river...

NEWS FLASH... Dear Lord your a realtor.

Perhaps the educational system failed you but this ranks in the top 5 of the most idiotic Aldeer threads. Think real hard about that. Teachers are the most underpaid, under appreciated vitally important professionals in USA. They dont bitch enough. I watched my mom work 80-100 hours a week for 30 plus years teaching.. She spent her last year leaving early to drive children to her school so that they could get a better education. She is 75 and last night she met a former student who remembered her due to the huge amount of love she showed her in her classroom.

All I'm saying is if it's so hard, then go find another job. Every job has things that stink about it. My job is the same. Lots of good stuff but there's plenty of things I don't like about it. But I chose it and I knew those things going into it so I don't post on facebook complaining about taking phone calls at 9pm, no health insurance, no retirement, no guaranteed paycheck. I chose the job so I don't get on facebook and complain about it. Can't say the same for a bunch of teachers I know

Last edited by Phil_Army; 11/22/19 07:06 AM.

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