Ive been bowhunting for 40 years but have never seen this. Last weekend I shot a doe at about 40 yards with a Rage knockoff broadhead. I thought she was broadside facing left but may have been quartering away some. I use a lighted nock. After the shot she immediately jumped a small creek and headed out into a grown over clearcut. As she jumped the creek I saw the arrow mostly sticking out as if it didnt go in far and further back than I wanted and immediately thought Im not going to find this deer. I watched her run up into the clear cut, turn a broad circle downhill and collapse dead within about 15 seconds of the shot. Couldn't believe it based on how the shot looked. Good thing I saw her fall cause no exit wound and not a drop of blood. The entrance wound was as I thought way back on her left side. Never found my arrow which must have pulled out in the clearcut somewhere. I just skin and debone without gutting but found after skinning that broadhead had made it all the way up to right side under shoulder blade not breaking through skin, thus explaining quick death. I just don't understand how the broadhead made it that far into her when I saw it hanging out unless somehow a deers reaction can make a rage 2_blade back out of the body immediately after shot?? Any thoughts out there?