I do not wish them any physical harm. They are as deadeye described, power-trippin. They have nothing better to do and they walk their giant great Pyrenees at a snails pace down the median and have a solid 20 minutes to canvas our house for violations, then go grandstand at the HOA board meeting. Yes, every house on our street gets the same BS from them. We have been there 3 years and my wife tried to befriend them from the start. Our neighbors on the other side had warned us about how they do this to everyone on our street. She once came to our house knocking on the door with a Jack Russell telling my wife our dog got out. My wife said it took 15 minutes to convince her that this was not our dog. She tried to leave the dog with my wife, but that didn't happen. This was about 2 weeks after my wife returned 1 of her Great Pyrenees that was out roaming the neighborhood. To clarify, there are several lots between us and the HOA neighbors, audible assault is not an option lol. I LOVE the comments "MOVE" "YOU SIGNED UP FOR IT", great advice. rolleyes I own 2 other homes in places that I could walk around naked in the front yard with a carrot in my ass for a month and possibly not see anyone. Currently, I live in an HOA because my 3 year old has health issues that require us to be in close proximity to his Pediatrician and urgent care facilities. As soon as we can we will be out of the HOA, I assure you.