Originally Posted by BAR1225
The club I was in a few years ago addressed this by having certain times that you could go in or out of the woods. Also you could only sign out two spots in a 24 hour period and even if you were going out to check a camera you had to sign out for that spot. So at most you could only stink up two different areas in a day.

The club last year had the “sign out two areas a day” rule. Haha, yea right. That only works when you have people honest and of integrity. I got so many pics of people during ALL hours of the day on cameras that hunted morning and afternoon and scouted areas. They would sign out for a spot and on their way, would stop and do a quick scouting of an area, check cameras or put out corn. At least two guys were going out at night pouring out corn to hunt the next morning. Also if no one is at club when people want to scout or keep them honest then there going to scout. I had pics of people walking around food plots at 7:00am and 4:15 pm. That’s like prime time to be in the stand. It was mainly a guy that worked at Mercedes plant and did shift work.

Bottom line is, if the leadership has no balls and or the membership isn’t honest then no need for rules.

If you claim to be a Christian then why do you act like the devil? You will be known by the fruit you bear!