Originally Posted by GomerPyle
Originally Posted by jawbone
The ankle is not the thing to worry about with Tua's future. The ball joint in the hip going dead from a lack of blood is a real thing. I can't remember what percentage the doctor that put my wife's hip back together told me it was, but it was significant. They watch for it closely and can deal with it when it happens in most cases, but a premier athlete is not the normal case. He has to be able to do more than just walk again.

They've already addressed that part and said they don't think that will be an issue because the medical staff at the stadium addressed it onsite (I think they referred to it as "reducing" the hip). With Bo Jacksons injury, that wasn't the case, they apparently waited until they got him to the hospital and by then the damage was done.

No, Bo's wasn't a complete dislocation. Bo had a subluxation (partial dislocation), and the femur ball popped back into the socket on its own. He thought he'd just twisted his hip, therefore he/they didn't properly attend to the hip for a week. In that time, there was virtually no blood flow to the bone and cartilage around Bo's hip socket, and it died.

People keep trying to tie the two injuries together, but there are way too many differences to say they are similar. Let's also not forget that we're talking about nearly 30 years worth of medical advances.

That doesn't mean that there isn't still some danger regarding blood flow to the region for Tua. But, from what I've read, people who have the hip reduced and medically attended to within 6 hours of the injury have less than a 5-10% of necrosis. But, there's always that chance.

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