Originally Posted by Clem

Womp wammmp womp!

"Hey Bammer!"

Womp wammmp womp!

"Hey Bammer!"

Womp wammmp womp!

"Hey Bammer!
"We hope you beat the hell out of us!
"Rammer Jammer Wooohoo Bammer
"Fire Gus and give him the hammer!"

Womp wammmp womp!


All kidding aside, I really hate it for the young men who have committed to play for Auburn. I'm not going to root for the Tahd, but it ain't gonna hurt my feelings if they give Gus a swift kick in the azz and help him out the door. I'll be cheering our boys on, and if they win I'll be happy for them...and I'll still want to see that stupid Sumbitch Gus run outta town.

Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales

Molon Labe