Originally Posted by GomerPyle
Originally Posted by doekiller
Originally Posted by GomerPyle

Not without jumping through lengthy expensive hoops.

It isn’t expensive. Lengthy, yes. Expensive no.

Your definition of expensive and mine are obviously different.

$200 for the stamp, for each suppressor. Then, from what I can tell you have to be willing to spend at least $500-600 for a decent suppressor, and that's on the low end. Just the $200 stamp is enough to price a lot of folks out of them when they're struggling to afford a $500ish entry-level deer rifle, but you're really investing $700-800 for each one.

I got to believe if they were deregulated, the prices would drop significantly.

Truth. Government regulation only serves to drive costs up.

Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales

Molon Labe