Originally Posted by jbatey1
Originally Posted by AU338MAG
Originally Posted by leroycnbucks
Originally Posted by AU338MAG
I'll take this bait...

The only consistency with Gus is his ineptitude on offense against quality opponents. If it was year two under Gus, we could hope for improvement, but it's year 7 and things are getting worse, not better. Don't be fooled by the scores in the games this year, we were down by a large margin in all of these games and had to make a comeback to make a respectable score.

He is getting paid as a top tier coach, but we are getting average results, and there is NOTHING we have seen that makes us believe this will change.

I’m not trolling. Just trying to have a football conversation here without acting like a bunch idiots poking each other with a stick in the eye.

So what if Malzahn hired an offensive coordinator that ran the pro set RPO type and left it alone. Could he do that and would he be able to. And what if he’s given that ultimatum at the end of the season by the AD.

Gus can't stop meddling in the offense, which is a huge problem. Like others said, he has yet to develop a top tier QB out of high school, even though he has had some of the highest rated prospects. He offense works ONLY if he uses the QB as a run option, which he has been unwilling to do. We saw a little of it last night, but unless it is always a threat, the opposing defense doesn't respect it.

Gus IS the problem, as an offensive coordinator and as the executive in charge of managing the coaches under him. The best head coaches develop the coaches who work under them, just look to the west to see this.

On top of that, Bo Nix is not the type of QB that needs to be throwing it 50 times a game....he may eventually get to that point, but not right now. He was a great Athlete in high school and I feel like he could carry the ball 20 times a game on zone read/qb designed runs and be much more effective.

maybe he has been used that way, though, I haven't watched as much AU ball as some of you.

Exactly, but Gus refuses to use Nix as a RPO QB. Nix can run, but Gus seems afraid to use him in this manner out of fear of injury or arrogance in thinking he can develop a drop back type QB. You can't run an offense out of fear or by not putting your players in the best position to use their abilities. Look at what Kentucky has done with a receiver at QB the last few games by simply putting their players in the best position to win.

Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales

Molon Labe