Serious question, not to interrupt the shock collar thread.

In order to avoid a lot of bashing, could you use them collars on deer instead of dogs? I mean, say you've got a nice fat spike with potential, but you don't want to get bashed for killing him while the meat is still tender. Is it legal to dart and collar him? The biologists do it and they don't call it harassing or anything like that in the definition of hunting.

That way, you could avoid the high fence bashing by just shocking him when he tries to leave your lease for the neighbors to kill him. Give him another year like we're supposed to do now and avoid the spike bashing. The meat might be a little tougher, but it will make folks happier if he's got forks on his antlers.

Also, recon shock collars would be more cost effective than a high fence as well? You'd probably have to have remote controlled sensors and stuff like that. Maybe even use traps to avoid bruising the meat when he flops around. i know that ain't legal, but if enough people do it like hog hunters did, then they might eventually just go ahead and make it legal. But I digress. Back on subject.

If you're the picture taking type, you could just remove the collar before taking the pictures and recycle it to use on another spike to let him grow while you keep him around. Avoid the shock collar bashing and all that. Unless the collar leaves a ring around his neck. Lots of stuff to consider once you get into it.

(please keep it serious)