Originally Posted by CarbonClimber1
Id like to try the tethrd brand..honestly...to me..there is no point in one if youve got private land to hunt..i loved my ol man multivision...weighed about 30lbs but i could always sit in comfort and had a good rifle prop. I do what i do now only out of necessity..id rather not climb trees like i do but the fact that i have to almost exclusively hunt public land and mediocre land at that has forced me to adapt to being as light as possible...and that little tethrd saddle is super light. One day i hope i can find me a good club that i can afford and if i cant hang me a loc on or..my personal favorite...a 20ft ladderstand...ill probly be back to totin my ol man...cause i just want have a need for my loc on an one stick method...but when you walk a true mile to 2 miles in somewhere just to kill a deer...im gettin a little tired of it...i walked a mile an a half yesterday to get to a spot with good wind an the chance at killin a nice buck...to me thats all a saddle is good for..a lightweight necessary item to replace the weight of an already light loc on.

I get where you’re coming from, but just because you’re on private land doesn’t mean you park the truck and walk a couple hundred yards to your ladder stand or shooting house and hunt. I enjoy throwing my stand/saddle on and going scouting. Friday afternoon, I walked probably 2 miles until I found the best sign to hunt. I’ve hunted this property for 10 years now and have some permanent stands in places where deer walk a lot, but those spots are not always the best place to be at that given time. I also have the little millenniums that I carry in hunt out of. I very rarely hunt out of a ladder stand or climber any more.

Originally Posted by BPS
This is Aldeer! The place people come to vent their frustrations and completely change their stance a few minutes later... grin