My kids have never shot a bunch of small bucks and they have gotten along just fine. When I started taking them hunting they sat with me without a gun and watched at times up to 30+ deer in the fields and we would talk about them. We would talk about that's a little one and that one right there see it's got a short face and weighs 40lbs, that's what they look like... and that one over there.... he's maybe going to be a decent deer next year he's probably 2.5, etc.

I am sure it would be VERY hard to believe for some of y'all that they never got bored because they didn't pull the trigger.

So when they got bigger it came time for them to shoot their first buck... behold...... we actually hunted for one. What a foreign concept in Alabama. Just like we had been doing. And each shot a nice deer as their first.

The reason they got a nice deer as their first buck is because they had the opportunity to shoot a nice deer. The reason they had the opportunity to shoot a nice deer is because I taught them how to hunt and not how to blast spikes.

They are fired up about the upcoming deer season. They aren't talking about blasting does and heading back to the camp house to jaw jack with someone or get breakfast or hang out playing grabarse with someone back at the house. Which is what many "hunters" real focal point is.

My oldest is asking me to get him a new pair of merino wool underwear so that they can sit on stand longer on cold days waiting on a buck.

How could that possibly be? True Story.

Teach a kid to blast small bucks and they will get bored with deer hunting. They won't stick with it. And they will never have any patience. If they ever do shoot a good deer it will be blind arse luck.

Also a True Story.

No government employees were harmed in the making of this mess.