Originally Posted by olemossy
Originally Posted by AU338MAG
Originally Posted by TChunter
Originally Posted by 257wbymag
TChunter is the resident expert in this department. He'll be along soon to address this for you.

The way I see it is it depends on where at in the cycle. It is a lot like making love when your wife first starts, she needs a day but then (at least with mine) all the days following if you play with that monkey it is KABOOM multiple times. Things down there are keyed up even more so than usual. So, in my research plug that ham wallet up for a day then take off work and hunt the following 3 or 4 and let her flow. Save that stuff and get with Drury Outdoors for marketing on the best new cover scent spray. Include some lube in the kit for guys like me, I am a pantie sniffer.

Ham wallet. rofl

Aldeer gold. no doubt

I almost fell outta my chair at work I was laughing so hard.

Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales

Molon Labe