Originally Posted by mman

Originally Posted by GomerPyle
Originally Posted by mman
1) Many "Christians" that think they are saved are really not - Matt 7:21
2) Soccer is anti-American
3) It takes more skill, cunning, and patience to kill a mature buck over bait than it does by other means.
4) All real men should drive a pick up truck as their daily driver
5) No real men wear flip flops or Crocs in public
6) Its not up to anyone else to determine who a "real" hunter is
7) Drinking alcohol is stupid
8) One man, one woman for life
9) Money is not the most important thing in my life
10) Those who criticize or mock others are only displaying their own insecurities

If you're serious about #2, I'm curious to hear why? I hear this a lot, but nobody can every explain why they think that. I've come to the conclusion most just think it's the clever/cool thing to say without really putting much thought into it.

Baseball, Basketball, and Football are the true American sports because that is what I played growing up smile Soccer was not even a real sport to me. I see soccer as a European sport for kids that stink at baseball or are afraid to get hit in football, I see it as a sport for "privileged" kids that grew up getting participation trophies with parents named Biff and Buffy

My daughter played for a year and I have a nephew that was really good. I know my opinion does not fully align with reality.

I've got a metal rod and 4 screws in my leg, scars from a shoulder surgery, and a knee with some loose cartilage floating around it it that are constant reminders of the time I spent playing soccer. scared of getting hit my ass.